Letter Machine Editions

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Letter Machine Editions is a small, nonprofit press based in Portland, OR, and run by poets Lisa Wells and Joshua Marie Wilkinson. HR Hegnauer is our designer and our books are printed by McNaughton & Gunn. 

As of 2024, Letter Machine Editions is no longer publishing new work

While we will keep our catalog in print--and available through Small Press Distribution--the editors have recently joined University of Iowa Press to become series editors of the Kuhl House Poets series with Mark Levine. We will carry on the legacy of Letter Machine through this new endeavor, which is closed to unsolicited submissions. 

We appreciate your interest in Letter Machine. And thank you to all those who've submitted and supported the press over the years. 

With our fond thanks,

Lisa Wells & Joshua Marie Wilkinson 

March 21, 2024

Portland, OR.

Letter Machine Editions


Letter Machine Editions